Thursday, July 31, 2008

I am rare!

Another test to spice up my idling days...Try this:

Here is my analysis:
Kind and GentleYour kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Commencement 2008

Yupz, Commencement took place on 14th July...I was just waiting for the NTU one, before i commence writing. (No link i know).
N.B. Comments pertaining to a shot are always found below that photo...Enjoy =)
Family "portraits"
(Drats! I haven't arranged for a formal one yet!)
That's grandma Mary, you would know who. (I said GRANDMA)

Do you spot a twin?

The M.I.R (man in red) is my uncle, with multiple roles.

And the girl in black is my sister (YOUNGER), aka jiji.

(Looks not bad here. HOHOHO)

Friends! Throughout the 4 yrs...

That's Xiqian (holding the sun flower) and Ching yin (chio hor).
And Joanna and Yiling (Also not bad).

Wee wee, and Fazrun. I still think Fazrun is yandao.

More Group pictures:

There's polely (L1, top), and my baby (L2, top).

My beloved class, though they always don't acknowledge as part of 4A.

Of 2 couples and 1 lightbulb ^^ (Hint: Someone(s) who is wearing the motar board)

Clockwise from left:
Jo, Kockkernadden, Cheng kia and Ronger

Dear Siew Mai, (Picture on the left, lady in blue),
It was nice to see you there =)
Yours truly, Xiao Long Bao ^^

Notice the last picture?
My adorable lion became a NUS PIRATE!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life vs Death- Are you death phobic?

A way to keep one away from diseases is through genetic mapping and diet moderation. The irony of Science is, we identify, we prevent, we minimize. Somehow it feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. And then you may say that prevention is better than cure.

And then again, there are many uncertainties in life. We cannot prempt everything. We try our utmost to prevent the onset of illness A. But in prevention, the setting could be pathing the way for the occurance of disease B. The paranoia, precaution, is all but for the prevention of one aliment. Justification.

But one universal fact is that, eventually, we return ourselves to Mother Nature. I do not believe that immortality is beneficial. To me, it is more important to appreciate life and understand death. Only then, do we not waste the time which has been bestowed upon us in our living years. What is Science?

Australia **CaNbErRa**

.. The reason why i have not been updating is because...I do not want to install photoshop nor picasa...Hohoho...You know, such programs take up space and memory, that i do not know if my going-to-be-gone-soon laptop can take it....Scully, i place photos halfway, laptop says "byebye" to me =.=

But i decided to install picasa anyway, against all odds...Let's hope that my dear laptop hangs on, until i can get a job- and the money to replace it. But of cuz, the "memories" with it are always irreplacable... =)

Alright then...My beautiful memories of AUSTRALIA!!

*^ChAnGi AiRpOrK^*

Can you find the pork?

(Hint: Top picture, bottom right)

Famil(ies) Pose

*^First to Sydney Airport, then to CanBerrA*^

See that black container above? That is used to transport our luggage. And to think, the roads there are much narrower than in Singapore. Can you imagine "mini-trailers" crawling on Singapore's busy lanes?


On the stop at RoadHavens Cafe...We saw OPTIMUS PRIME in disguise.

Dyed himself blue ^^
And here's our relative size...

Me: Only slightly taller than wheel...

~WaR MeMoRiAl~

~CaNbeRrA PaRk~

~CoCkInGtOn GrEeN gArDeNs~

No, That train is operated on Steam..takes about half an hour to recharge, and took us around Cockington for 2 rounds.

~CaNbErRa GlAsS HoUsE~

~PaRlImEnT HoUsE~

It is open everyday, Except CHRISTMAS, when it is regarded as everyone's holiday.