Monday, June 28, 2010

Phone Dependency Syndrome

I remember the days where there was no mobile phone. Life was simple, people were on time, and there was more time to bond.

I got my first mobile line at 19 years old, after much resistence of not wanting to be traceable.

To me, a phone has a simple function. To call, and receive calls. Since when did people become so attached to mobile phone, that they eat-talk-sleep-walk-play-and-poo-poo phone. Disgusting.

There are times (many in fact) that i forget my phone when i go to work. Yes, uncontactable, but somehow, i am secretly gleeing at the un-intentionally created peace.

The phone is an ultra bane to me, as i bear witness to the very ugly side of it...

Ultra conservative parents..
Exploit the use of the phone to claw their children home (regardless of age) when they are not by their parents' side.

Nuisance "hawkers"..
Taunt their voice over the -oh so important- phonecalls they seem to always be in.

Play with their phone in social occasions like no one's there.

Humans are socio-creatures. Not semi-detached souls stuck in between waves and signals.

How about a no-hp day? com'on. Get a life out of it.


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