Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Australia **CaNbErRa**

.. The reason why i have not been updating is because...I do not want to install photoshop nor picasa...Hohoho...You know, such programs take up space and memory, that i do not know if my going-to-be-gone-soon laptop can take it....Scully, i place photos halfway, laptop says "byebye" to me =.=

But i decided to install picasa anyway, against all odds...Let's hope that my dear laptop hangs on, until i can get a job- and the money to replace it. But of cuz, the "memories" with it are always irreplacable... =)

Alright then...My beautiful memories of AUSTRALIA!!

*^ChAnGi AiRpOrK^*

Can you find the pork?

(Hint: Top picture, bottom right)

Famil(ies) Pose

*^First to Sydney Airport, then to CanBerrA*^

See that black container above? That is used to transport our luggage. And to think, the roads there are much narrower than in Singapore. Can you imagine "mini-trailers" crawling on Singapore's busy lanes?


On the stop at RoadHavens Cafe...We saw OPTIMUS PRIME in disguise.

Dyed himself blue ^^
And here's our relative size...

Me: Only slightly taller than wheel...

~WaR MeMoRiAl~

~CaNbeRrA PaRk~

~CoCkInGtOn GrEeN gArDeNs~

No, That train is operated on Steam..takes about half an hour to recharge, and took us around Cockington for 2 rounds.

~CaNbErRa GlAsS HoUsE~

~PaRlImEnT HoUsE~

It is open everyday, Except CHRISTMAS, when it is regarded as everyone's holiday.


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