Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mood: Moon River by Emi Fujita

This morning i woke up,
sleepier than a log,
deader than a dead horse,
sianer than ever,
with thoughts funnier than ever.

Wonder why, my family likes to call me when i am having lessons.

This afternoon my mum called during my Hysys tutorial. She had with her a very important question:

Mama: "Eh 我老板的孩子(Think PRC) 要来这里(Singapore) 读书."
Mama: "国大什么科最好?"
Me: "哪里有最好的???????????????????????????????????"
Mama: "什么科最好?????"
Me: "Er.................." =.="""
Me: "Medicine lo..."
Mama: "then 第二好呢?"
Me: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......不知道"
Mama: "那你那颗呢? 你那颗Physic..."
(?!? Since when i transfer to Science Fac HUH)
Me: "Medicine 进不了就来chem eng lo...."
Mama: "那你是不是进不了才去这科?"
Me: "*($@^&*&(@*&%@(#*!"

Actually, isn't it more important to take what you like? I mean, "best" is subjective. I don't really know how to answer her. But in general, I think people just want to go for the "best" money making course. But how many can actually make it to that "big" eventually? For all you know, you could be blindly chasing some illusion, like what i did when i thought chem eng HAS to be my cup of tea.

I tell you ah, my only 2 consolations for going chem eng are: Having met Mr. Soh; and getting a number of weirdo frens...Whoot~

My level of positivity has just hit a low. I know there are many more things more deserving of thinking than sulking at my own trivial matters. But the projects, outcomes are really wearing me down. For a moment, i feel my thoughts wondering. 好彷徨阿~

Perhaps i should really take more time to sit down and reflect- For directives. I miss my Dynamic Cedar Principal, Mrs. Tay Sor Har. I wish for more inspirations.

Maybe a haircut would do the trick, since my head feels weighed down.

"I see light at the end of the tunnel. Is that a train approaching? "


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