Friday, September 21, 2007

3 days without blogging, 3 days STARVED of MSN, 4 days without proper rest, 4 days of tension...2 hours of substandard answering...Kaoz...It's FINALLY OVER (for a few weeks).

...Mid semester break has come, FYP is up, design 1 is up. Hoho...It FINALLY STARTED...


Anyway, I am Msn-ing for vengeance now. Msn- withdrawal symptoms is not to be belittled. The same goes for blogging.

That reminds me, of some spastic events...
Shakey and I was walking in the canteen today, when she proclaimed "I love you" sentimentally to who else but the adorable person who is writing this entry...Hohoho...

The guy nearby looked at us.

What? You can only say "I love you" to your kins and other half ah? Friends not humans meh? Cannot love is it? Samp-pat.

Another 2 funny events, from my little cousin, which took place on the previous sunday.

(In the room)
Cousin: "Papa, I stay at Ah ma's house today. The come and fetch me home...then i go to school on tuesday..."

Papa: O.o ..."Eh, you think your papa don't need to work is it?"

Papa: "I tell you what...Why not you stay here for one week, then i help you tell Mr. Yeo (his K1 form teacher)..."

Papa: "Then you can eat fish porridge EVERYDAY..."

Cousin: (Gives a...don't make things difficult for me leh...look)

(Apparently, fish porridge is my grandma's favourite dish for my cousins and she will cook it every time they go to my grandma's house. It got so repetitive that they got sick of hearing the word "fish".)

(Going home)
Cousin: (To me) "Jie jie...why did you call 姑丈to fetch you? 姑丈 will be tired you know...."

Me: "But if papa sends me back, papa will ALSO be tired you know...."

Cousin: (Gives a "为难" look)

(Actually, my cousin just wanted to optimise time with us......)
No mood to lame. Just got to know of this:

Life is so fragile.

My secondary 3 maths teacher passed away on Tuesday, during childbirth of her second child.

This is very hard to accept. And sad. Both physically and mentally.

Given today's technology, and a 1 in 20000 probability. And Her young age.

I can only say, Life is so unpredictable.

I feel very sorry for her husband, her 4 yr old daughter. How are they going to cope with the sudden loss?

It seems her newborn son is still in ICU.

Let us all hope for the best.

For all of us who are very caught up with deadlines, pursuing gains, we could do well to take sometime to think about the intricacies of life.


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