Monday, December 31, 2007

A new Resolution In anticipation of a NEW BZ YEAR

Sometimes, I wonder if the life of a process engineer is as such. Trapped within an infinite race against time.

Life is such a..aigh..."bed of thorny roses"... But at the very least, i had a few hours off to rebond my hair, and finished reading "Tuesdays with morries" during that span. Yea, and a few days spent with my cute cousins...

This yr, Santa sped past my house cuz i had no time at hang a sock by the window. Sobz. That reminds me of a story, perhaps heard by many through my mouth. But nonetheless, here it goes:
Cousin cui told cousin yao that santa existed, and that santa was ME!! So, she told him to write a letter to santa to request for christmas presents.

Cousin yao verified that santa existed (without telling me what cui told him), and proceeded to ask me to write for him his christmas wishes.

" X Dear santa, may i have a helicopter with remote control for christmas?
X Can i have an aeroplane for christmas?

(tick) Dear Santa,
(tick) May i have TWO helicopters, one red, one blue, 2 remote controls to fight?"

and at the back of the envelope

"For Yao.
Press button number 6 when you enter the lift".


But of course, Santa did not have enough budget to get him 2 copters, considering that he was already give ONE for his birthday. Santa bought him PEPE instead, a toy dog. Needless to say, cousin Yao confronted santa, and took a day to accept PEPE into his life...Hohoho...Merry Belated Christmas...

So what's my new resolution for the new year? It's to hope for a more peaceful bz year ahead. Hey! That's an oxymoron.


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