Wednesday, September 03, 2008

As the old old saying goes, if you have nothing good to say about something, don't say it. I had nothing pretty good about my job, so i did not say anything about it for the past 3 weeks. In the fourth week now. Trying to learn as much as i probably can.

Work is tiring and stressful at the same time. That's an understatement. The standard is so high (or fussy), that i did not know i could reach. Still, it's not enough. But i guess i am enjoying the thrill of having to learn things which are thrown to me. It makes me think.
Today, i was sorta pissed with someone. I don't think all Malaysians are like that, but i just cannot stand this person's aloof-ness and lofty ideas. It could be that i never thought in the same perspectives as he did (and i would be very glad not to), but somehow, i get very provoked when they talk about Singapore in an extremely cynical and dangerous tone. Sounds a tad like their ex PM Mahathair, and i cannot fathom why they go to such lengths in making Singapore look bad. A matter of sour grapes perhaps?

Anyway, i am an advocate of PAP these few days- Pay And Pay.

Let's see...
Monday: $10 lunch, $5.50 dinner, $2.60 Bread;
Tuesday: $5.50 lunch, $2.30 dinner, $2.50 Bread, $13.45 grocery shopping;
Wed: $20 Top Up, $4.50 lunch, $24 haircut, $2.30 dinner, $6.70 eyedrops, $1 bread.

How much have i spent so far? Gasp!!! $100.35 within a short span of 3 days?! Food IS expensive. Sigh. And i spent $2098 recently on a laptop. I am so poor now~

Oh yes, another interesting thing i realized is that after 5.30pm, my office number gets "cut"...Like you know, you try to call and you get "thank you for calling. Our office is now closed...we are open from Mondays to Fridays...bla bl bla". U get what i mean. v fun! Out of sight, out of mind =) Such a long post with no photos. This is SO sad!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dun mind i asking wad lunch u eating. if e msian so much to criticize, why work here?

2k for a laptop nowadays is expensive..

5:31 PM 
Blogger xiaojia said...

Heehee...i think u also know that person de...He says "no such thing as ungrateful or not...den gave a word "xenophobic", which means having unreasonable fear of foreigners...and said Singapore needs talents, it's "win-win"...Means he think he is indispensible la..which i think is the other way round. Why not try USA or Aust instead? Heh...

Anyway, 2098 was the best price i buy during Comex le...Haiz, but i found out ppe buy it for 1950. It's Asus F6V, and i think specs not bad compared to slightly cheaper laptops. So just buy lo...

8:47 PM 

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