Sunday, April 06, 2008

Crazy Weather...

These few days, the weather is going ding ding dong dong such that I think even it is not sure of its direction.

As i stay up to do some reading, I am feeling sticky and yucky =.=

Then again, 2 days back, Mr. Soh and I met up with a thunderstorm (can i say that?) on the way to vivocity, something which i have not seen for a very long time... Fountains were spewing from expressways, and the car was skiiing along some stretch of road..Whee~

With my lok-kok camera phone, i managed to catpure:

Er..Not very convincing eh?

But, i must stress that the rain was so heavy that even i got SCARED at some point in time...

So now how? So hot how to think about hazops? Zzzz..


Blogger justinjune28 said...

i just followed the "perverse uncle" link from your page. it took me to a page that linked back to your page, but the link back to your page was named "sky shit" What in the world does that mean, exactly?

I like how you said "life does not extend indefinitely".

2:53 PM 
Blogger xiaojia said...

=) I was half expecting spam but it was not!

Angel, in chinese is written as 天使. Unfortunately, there's a similar sounding word that is "天屎" which literally means "sky shit". And that's how i earned my unique identity ^^

10:44 PM 
Blogger justinjune28 said...

I understand... so, that answer begs the question, why is he called "perverse uncle"? I have one of those (perverse uncles), so I was expecting to see a picture of my uncle Charles when I followed the link. Instead it was some other guy. I guess he is not really a perverse uncle, eh?

4:15 AM 
Blogger justinjune28 said...

I understand... so that answer begs the question, why is he called "perverse uncle"? I have one of those (perverse uncles) so when I followed the link I expected to see a picture of my uncle Charles. But it was some other guy. I guess there is more than one perverse uncle out there!

4:17 AM 
Blogger justinjune28 said...

sorry I posted almost the same thing twice, I thought the first one got deleted! I enjoy your writing style, it is very expressive!

4:21 AM 
Blogger xiaojia said...

Hohoho...he is the perverse uncle because he knows the "dirty" secrets of almost every other person he knows! So he is figuratively perverted. No appeals granted for him =)

Thanks for your compliment. I enjoy painting my scenarios as motion pictures!

1:29 AM 

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